
Think Different. Think Plaid

The UK General Elections are coming and an exciting campaign too. So the political messages and the way they are broadcasted are due to make a difference.
Like this video from Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru literally does. Expanding the famous Apple claim "Think Different" added by "Think Plaid", it's good to see how a political concept can be explained when made with design and simplicity, can be fresh and seductive, aims to reach out with an attitude to connect people to a common goal with meaningful objectives.
And what I most enjoy about this video is how, as seen since the SNP won in Scotland, that much more than a multicultural approach, Plaid shows a strong understanding of what our world is today. Because the whole world lives in our neighbourhoods, our towns, our countries - we are one world, we are one people - but never neglecting the sense of place and love and commitment to where we live and belong.
It is a statement that marks an alliance between the old and the new, the proud historical and cultural heritages of "natives" and newcomers, with the empowering modernity and exchange as a gateway for achievement, for fair development, for a better future.